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British Christmas Traditions

British Christmas Traditions By Andrew     British Christmas Traditions Stuffed turkeys, stuffed Christmas jumpers, stuffed stockings, and just knocking the stuffing out of it! How do the Brits celebrate Christmas? From having your eardrums mercilessly beaten by merry festive numbers to a friendly extra-terrestrial, we’ll give you all the key info you need to know about British Christmas traditions…     So let’s get this festive shin-dig started! Here’s… Read More »British Christmas Traditions

Improve English Vocabulary

Improve English Vocabulary in Movember! By Andrew   How to improve English vocabulary? Learn about a new topic! So what exactly is Movember?   November is now Movember in Britain and many other parts of the world and that M means moustache! So let’s get up to speed with the facial hair festivities and help you flaunt your top lip in style! Movember is an annual event involving the growing… Read More »Improve English Vocabulary

Branding Mistakes

Beware! Bad Branding Abroad By Andrew Horror stories of branding mistakes made by some of the world’s biggest companies Marketing your company or products in another country can be a minefield, fraught with cultural nuances, linguistic connotations and differing social contexts. It can take a great mind or a huge stroke of luck to create a successful advertising campaign. However, a terrible translation or some culturally inappropriate content can be… Read More »Branding Mistakes

When To Use The In English

When To Use The In English A Rock ‘N’ Roll Guide To Grammar! By Andrew   When to Use “The” in English. A Rock “n” Roll Guide to Grammar! English Club’s guide to grammar: When to use “the” in English Foreign users of English are not alone in their overuse of the English language’s specifying article, rock bands have been known to like it too. See the clip below of… Read More »When To Use The In English

When To Use A Comma

When To Use A Comma By Andrew   The comma is one of the most frequently misused punctuation marks and the well-meaning advice to use a comma wherever you would pause in speech just doesn’t cut the mustard. However, fear not punctuation pupils because the comma is really quite simple to use. It has four clear, well-defined uses which we will explain one by one in this blog. They are: The Listing… Read More »When To Use A Comma

Make An Impact: English Business Writing

Leggi questo articolo in italiano qui… English Business Writing and Translation Give your business a presence online… Make an impact with our English Business Writing and Translation Services and reach out to the 840 million English speakers worldwide!   Professional, versatile, available now… Inspire trust and respect in your clients and partners abroad by taking advantage of our dedicated English business writing services. We are available to work hand-in-hand with… Read More »Make An Impact: English Business Writing

Wales And The Welsh

Wales And The Welsh By Andrew   Capital City: Cardiff          Population: 3,092,036          National Day: Saint David’s Day (1st March)   Language Croeso i Cymru! Siarad Cymraeg. Rydw yn hoffi rygbi a chanu. Dydw yn ddim yn hoffi Lloegr.   What!? That’s not English! Exactly, it’s Welsh and along with English it is the official language of Wales. The Welsh language is currently experiencing a resurgence in popularity and it is reported that… Read More »Wales And The Welsh

English Vocabulary For Romantics

English Vocabulary (For Romantics) By Andrew   Add some va-va-voom to your vocabulary with this selection of soppy English vocabulary for romantics! Make a face like Mr Bean and let your loved one know they’re special with our guide to romantic English vocabulary. So, come on honey-bunny, let’s not waste time… let’s get it on!   Romantic English Vocabulary 1: “To fancy someone” To fancy someone means to like someone… Read More »English Vocabulary For Romantics

How To Improve Your English

How To Improve Your English By Andrew If you have had problems learning languages in the past, you’re not alone! There is no magic solution or special language learning gene that you are missing out on, but heed our advice about how to improve your English and we are sure you’ll be {the cat’s pyjamas}* in no time! *{idiom alert!} the cat’s pyjamas = the best / fantastic   How… Read More »How To Improve Your English

English Film and Book Library!

English Film & Book Club   Tutti gli iscritti ai corsi di inglese alla biblioteca di Brugnetto possono fruire dei nostri libri e film in inglese.   Il miglior modo per imparare una lingua è divertendosi e per questo mettiamo a disposizione libri di diversi livelli per chi sta acquisendo la conoscenza della lingua e film in lingua originale per chi cerca una sfida in più!   Buon divertimento a… Read More »English Film and Book Library!